Friday, September 14, 2012

LIttle Sim

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Thank you for all your prayers.

We are still at the hospital, Simeon is asleep and I slipped into the lounge to quick update you.

He's doing better.  They did not put a feeding tube in, but we are supplementing with formula in his milk.  (formula adds 4 calories per ounce, which is a lot to a tiny baby)

He ended up with a urinary tract infection, which is caused from his kidney hydronaphrosis (sp?).  He's gone through many, many tests and his ultrasound revealed an obstruction in his ureter again, either this obstruction caused the infection or the infection caused the obstruction.  This infection caused him to lose his appetite, causing him to lose over 2 pounds, and causing his electrolites to get all messed up, his little body just couldn't keep up.  His sodium level was very, very low, so low that if it were any lower, he'd be having seizures.  We are so blessed.  So blessed to have brought him in when we did.    His iron level is very low also, which is why he's such a whitey...but he is a red head too, so he won't exactly be soaking up the sun!  They started him on iron today.  He started an antibiotic yesterday afternoon and by evening he was eating much better and even laughed and giggled for me!!  (it's been over a week since we've seen that smile!)  The low iron is causing him to be very sleepy, almost weak.

He has an appointment with the urologist September 5th and they added a couple long tests to check out the blockage, to see if the antibiotic clears up the obstruction.  (praying for that)

We also need him to gain some weight!!  (praying for that)  I'm thinking they will keep us here til Saturday or Sunday.  (maybe I'm hoping it's not longer)  They want to see him at least back on the growth chart.

Thank you for all your prayers, they are keeping us up.  Please also pray for our family, as it is so very hard on my husband Tom and especially the little ones.

Mary Hannah has been staying at the hospital with me, and has been such a sweet blessing to me.  Jedi wants to stay tomorrow night.  (Rosie stayed with us in May, so it's the other kids turns)

Thank you again, I have to get back.  God bless you all.  Hopefully next week things will be back to normal (except the newly added ton of doctor appointments) and we can talk about much more exciting things, like The Pioneer Woman!!

**I forgot to add that on infants and elderly, urinary infections are hard to detect, as they do not often times have any symptoms, like the burning feeling while urinating or even a fever, Simeon had no signs, til he quit eating.  

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