Thank you for all your wonderful prayers, I have no doubt they held me up.
Grace, I'm living on Grace.
Simeon is doing OK. He's in a lot of pain.
It's pure agony for a mama to watch her child in any pain, and not be able to make it go away.
He's on Tylenol, but it still hurts.
He crys when he's hungry, or when he's not, and won't take a bottle because it hurts. I rock him to sleep standing (he won't have it any other way) then can slip the bottle in and he'll eat...slowly and not as much as he used to...that will take time. He's doing fine.
Tom and I look at it as "one down...many more to come"
(although, we are really trying to not think about the future surgeries...this one was hard enough)
The after-surgery was much harder than I ever imagined. (agonizing actually)
But each day will get better!
I'll be off for a week of two, not reading blogs or blogging.
I need to take care of my baby....who needs someone with him at all times, he can't touch his face,
the arm guards work, but not that great for a 4 month old.
I'll be back with "the story" a week or two.
Thank you again, your prayers are going to take him far in his life, and all the surgeries he needs.
I just know it.
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