Our priest came by yesterday and blessed SimeonWe called the Poor Clare Nuns and they are praying
His surgery is at 7:30 am FridayWe need to be there at 6 am,he needs to have his last bottle by 3:30 amThe surgery is between 3-4 hours long.He will be in overnight for sure, and will come home when he can eat (by bottle)
They don't allow cell phones in the hospitalI won't have time to post til I get homeSo you will be in the dark til then.
TodayWe are packing (Rosie is going to stay overnight with me in the hospital)We are taking lots and lots of pictures of SimeonWe are taking lots of videos of him the way he is nowWe are already missing his sweet little face, that we all love so much.We are kissing his sweet little lips as they are now.
It's a sadness I can't describe, loving him the way he is now and not knowing whathe'll look like tomorrow.And at the same time, we all know everything will be fine and he'll be beautiful.
Thank you for all your prayers and novenas and rosaries and Masses,phone calls, letters, gifts and whatever I'm forgetting!
Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.
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