What's the fuel consumption of a 50HP outboard motor? - outboard auction japan
I am planning a trip to 8 miles each way every day with the boat, and we put a bid in an auction in a utility with a 50hp Mercury outboard two strokes.
It's a glider with forward, 5 meters long, and I think it would not go at full load, it suffices to take the path of the brush, then ride.
The boat is 5) tank with a gallon 20L (. Do you want the gas station on an average day?
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Outboard Auction Japan What's The Fuel Consumption Of A 50HP Outboard Motor?
Hypoglycemic Symptoms More Condition_symptoms I Show Hypoglycemic Symptoms When I Don't Have Low Blood Sugar. What Can I Do?
I show hypoglycemic symptoms when I don't have low blood sugar. What can I do? - hypoglycemic symptoms more condition_symptoms
When my blood sugar levels below 110 or 110, I start to sweat, I feel my heart beating, sometimes you feel dizzy or hear a ringing in the ears. When I get to under 90, I tend to be irritable or tearful. My doctor says that 110 of the blood sugar and should not bring more sugar, if you under 70 years or so, and you can never go below 55th Does this sound right to you?
Ceramic Kitchen Wares On Sale Is It Legal To Take Pictures Of Someone's Merchandise For Sale At A Festival?
Is it legal to take pictures of someone's merchandise for sale at a Festival? - ceramic kitchen wares on sale
I was at a weekend festival and the people here and there, selling their own products. I have pictures of random things as usual, at random. I broke a couple of bad table with an old ceramics - the lady at the table longer, waved their hands before buying things, scream, "You can not pictures of this bla bla bla", but I recognized then.
I do not use it for commercial or not. They were very common type of Flow Blue Willow pitching and reduces the cooking time - this lady from a personal works of art or intellectual property. Can I take pictures of what you, as to a festival? Or is it advisable to ask every person who has something interesting photo for meand if I may? And bring a folder with disclaimers haha. Thank you.
There Is A Virus Going Around 2010 I Can't Log On To My Computer, Even In Safe Mode.?
I can't log on to my computer, even in Safe Mode.? - there is a virus going around 2010
Well, if I am this ... Several hundred (400) malicious files that I found on my computer after running SUPERAntiSpyware, 1 virus mind, and like the other 20 ... I know I'm pretty bad here, but I have important things on this computer.
Anyway, my problem, I can not connect at all. Turning on my team, get the manager account and password input. I was told that "the record says," but then: "... economies in the vicinity of the meeting." I tried to reboot and use F8, which I am sure all modes and almost everything you have done here .
A virus that is still (in my file on the screen if user accounts are kept saying stay), "googleupdate.exe Bad Image" The application or DLLC: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ WINDOWS \\ \\ system32 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ helper32.dll not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. "
There were other Internet users called 2010 etc. ..
Nevertheless, there are still all of my collection of information on the computer (if I am not in safe mode), or at least ... I do not know, apart and fix it without installing anything new? )
This is my first real virus for six years. Help. D:
There Is A Virus Going Around 2010 I Can't Log On To My Computer, Even In Safe Mode.?
I can't log on to my computer, even in Safe Mode.? - there is a virus going around 2010
Well, if I am this ... Several hundred (400) malicious files that I found on my computer after running SUPERAntiSpyware, 1 virus mind, and like the other 20 ... I know I'm pretty bad here, but I have important things on this computer.
Anyway, my problem, I can not connect at all. Turning on my team, get the manager account and password input. I was told that "the record says," but then: "... economies in the vicinity of the meeting." I tried to reboot and use F8, which I am sure all modes and almost everything you have done here .
A virus that is still (in my file on the screen if user accounts are kept saying stay), "googleupdate.exe Bad Image" The application or DLLC: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ WINDOWS \\ \\ system32 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ helper32.dll not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. "
There were other Internet users called 2010 etc. ..
Nevertheless, there are still all of my collection of information on the computer (if I am not in safe mode), or at least ... I do not know, apart and fix it without installing anything new? )
This is my first real virus for six years. Help. D:
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Outboard Auction Japan What's The Fuel Consumption Of A 50HP Outboard Motor?
What's the fuel consumption of a 50HP outboard motor? - outboard auction japan
I am planning a trip to 8 miles each way every day with the boat, and we put a bid in an auction in a utility with a 50hp Mercury outboard two strokes.
It's a glider with forward, 5 meters long, and I think it would not go at full load, it suffices to take the path of the brush, then ride.
The boat is 5) tank with a gallon 20L (. Do you want the gas station on an average day?
Hypoglycemic Symptoms More Condition_symptoms I Show Hypoglycemic Symptoms When I Don't Have Low Blood Sugar. What Can I Do?
I show hypoglycemic symptoms when I don't have low blood sugar. What can I do? - hypoglycemic symptoms more condition_symptoms
When my blood sugar levels below 110 or 110, I start to sweat, I feel my heart beating, sometimes you feel dizzy or hear a ringing in the ears. When I get to under 90, I tend to be irritable or tearful. My doctor says that 110 of the blood sugar and should not bring more sugar, if you under 70 years or so, and you can never go below 55th Does this sound right to you?
Ceramic Kitchen Wares On Sale Is It Legal To Take Pictures Of Someone's Merchandise For Sale At A Festival?
Is it legal to take pictures of someone's merchandise for sale at a Festival? - ceramic kitchen wares on sale
I was at a weekend festival and the people here and there, selling their own products. I have pictures of random things as usual, at random. I broke a couple of bad table with an old ceramics - the lady at the table longer, waved their hands before buying things, scream, "You can not pictures of this bla bla bla", but I recognized then.
I do not use it for commercial or not. They were very common type of Flow Blue Willow pitching and reduces the cooking time - this lady from a personal works of art or intellectual property. Can I take pictures of what you, as to a festival? Or is it advisable to ask every person who has something interesting photo for meand if I may? And bring a folder with disclaimers haha. Thank you.
There Is A Virus Going Around 2010 I Can't Log On To My Computer, Even In Safe Mode.?
I can't log on to my computer, even in Safe Mode.? - there is a virus going around 2010
Well, if I am this ... Several hundred (400) malicious files that I found on my computer after running SUPERAntiSpyware, 1 virus mind, and like the other 20 ... I know I'm pretty bad here, but I have important things on this computer.
Anyway, my problem, I can not connect at all. Turning on my team, get the manager account and password input. I was told that "the record says," but then: "... economies in the vicinity of the meeting." I tried to reboot and use F8, which I am sure all modes and almost everything you have done here .
A virus that is still (in my file on the screen if user accounts are kept saying stay), "googleupdate.exe Bad Image" The application or DLLC: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ WINDOWS \\ \\ system32 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ helper32.dll not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. "
There were other Internet users called 2010 etc. ..
Nevertheless, there are still all of my collection of information on the computer (if I am not in safe mode), or at least ... I do not know, apart and fix it without installing anything new? )
This is my first real virus for six years. Help. D:
There Is A Virus Going Around 2010 I Can't Log On To My Computer, Even In Safe Mode.?
I can't log on to my computer, even in Safe Mode.? - there is a virus going around 2010
Well, if I am this ... Several hundred (400) malicious files that I found on my computer after running SUPERAntiSpyware, 1 virus mind, and like the other 20 ... I know I'm pretty bad here, but I have important things on this computer.
Anyway, my problem, I can not connect at all. Turning on my team, get the manager account and password input. I was told that "the record says," but then: "... economies in the vicinity of the meeting." I tried to reboot and use F8, which I am sure all modes and almost everything you have done here .
A virus that is still (in my file on the screen if user accounts are kept saying stay), "googleupdate.exe Bad Image" The application or DLLC: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ WINDOWS \\ \\ system32 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ helper32.dll not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. "
There were other Internet users called 2010 etc. ..
Nevertheless, there are still all of my collection of information on the computer (if I am not in safe mode), or at least ... I do not know, apart and fix it without installing anything new? )
This is my first real virus for six years. Help. D:
Friday, September 28, 2012
Time to Eat!
It's 7:30I yell, "Time to eat!"Everyone comes, we pray, we eat, then it starts.jobsand yellingYelling to get all that needs to get done before bedyou knowPick up toys!Brush your teethGet your jammies onPick up toys!Get back here and wipe the counter and rinse the sinkDid you sweep?Who's the sweeper?Hurry upPick up toys!Now!It's 9:00Pick up toys!Time for bed!!!
The kids are not ready for the day to be over immediately after we eatI'm not either.ormaybe I am and that's why I'm crabby and can't wait for them all to go to bed
I got tired of itThis was becoming the normal for us.
The past few weeks, I decided to make a conscience effort toeat supper at 6pm(OK 6:30 at the latest)
In order for this to happen, I must know what I'm making for supper in the morning, like while I'm getting breakfast,so I can thaw any meat out I'll need and to keep it in the back of my head all dayso at 4:30pm, I'm ready to start getting ready to make supper.
In order for that to happen, I need a master list of what meals we are having with the food I've purchased for this particular 2 week period, until next grocery day...
When, I'll need to think of and write the said master list of mealswhile making my grocery list.
Things just go better when we eat at a reasonable time.The kids feel like they have time after supper, more time in their day.Things are not rushed for bedtime.We can have a happy mommy bedtime(most nights)
It's been a few weeks now of eating earlier (normal time for most folks)and we are all seeming much happier.It sure is worth the effort.
Oh, gotta run!!It's time to eat!!
What about you?You probably have this all figured out already...
Grandpa Shuffling
I heard this song today and it reminded me of Grandpa shuffling and had to share it with you!
Our computer is dead.
It got fixed in June, but not really.
I can't do pictures, but wanted to post something.
Life has been busy
As it has been for everyone, I'm sure.
Sweetie Pie turned 3 last week.
My sweet little curly haired girly, is 3.
She's such a big girl now.
Mary Hannah turns 8 tomorrow.
The loooong awaited number 8!
Next weekend is Tom's 45th birthday
my 43rd birthday, which will end our 4 birthday in 2 weeks marathon!
Simeon weighs (as of Friday) 14 pounds 7 ounces!!
He's chubbing right before our eyes,
He's getting rubber band hands
and chins galore!
He turned 8 months last week!!
8 months!
I've been catching myself wondering what I'll do with all the extra time I'll have next spring when I'm done pumping breastmilk all the time...(I pump 2 1/2 bottles each time, which sometimes takes over an hour, but am down to every 5-6 hours now only)
We started school 2 weeks ago
The first week went OK
The first day of the 2nd week didn't go so well
I ended up screaming, a crazy mama scream, literally,
and took the 4 youngest to the park for a picnic to escape
the 2 oldest complaints and arguments they had for the teacher (me)
I cried all the way to the park
and then, prayed, with the 4 littles.
Begging for God's mercy.
and Grace,
the Grace He gives to us when we ask.
And then,
The rest of the week went pretty good.
Grace, I tell you
And Mercy.
Simeon goes to the Minneapolis Children's Hospital this Thursday for his tests.
Those long tests that are awful, but very much needed to see how his kidneys are doing.
Not sure what to pray for, if he needs surgery, I'm fine with it, if not, I'm fine with it.
I accept God's will whatever way and am praying that way.
If they put him out for the Lasics Renalgram, they have not told us that, if you were wondering.
That's the test, he will have to lie still for 50 minutes, while dye goes through his IV.
Grace and Mercy
That's how I pray.
That's what I live on
God bless you, with Graces and Mercy!
YLC 2012 - A Joliet Vocations Story
My friend Kim, posted this on her blog and I just had to share, it had me laughing and dancing in my seat!! Our computer is finally up and working after a summer basically without it! (it was up for a day last week, then down again, just enough time for me to charge my i-pod) SO, hopefully, I'll have some time to post once in a while!
Until, then, watch this til the end, it's great!
Simeon Update
He will need surgery, on his Ureters. They are both obstructed.Both kidneys are fully functioning though, which is good.His surgery is scheduled for December 18th, he'll be in the Minneapolis Children's Hospital for 3 days and home in time for his birthday!(and Christmas)Prayers much appreciated!!
Great Movie!

Thursday, September 27, 2012
First Vanity Trove Box
Liquid eyeliner. I don't use those. I can't, because I simply don't have steady hands to put them on.
Facial wash. Hmm.. Lip plumper. Err I have full lips as it is, any fuller and I'd be 'lips with a face' instead of 'face with lips'.
Korea Trip May 3- May 8 2012
I've never really travelled to countries that require visa because it's such a hassle, but this time around, my friends and I pushed for it. It's a chance for us to bond before I leave Singapore for good come July.
Trip cost breakdown:
Airfare (Singapore Airlines) - SGD748
2:30PM Singapore to Seoul
9:00AM Seoul to Singapore
Lodging (Chungmuro Residence) - SGD 337.74 my share (SGD1013.33 total for 3 pax)
1 station away from Dong Dae Mun. Only WON3000 taxi fare from Dong Dae Mun to Chungmuro Residence at 12midnight.
Pocket money - SGD 900
Additional money changed while in Seoul - SGD 150
Amount charged to credit card - SGD 60+ for Faceshop products
SGD 96 for Sulhwasoo face moisturiser
Anyway, I still ran out of luggage space in the end.
Each bed was enough for 2 people. So I think this room can house 6 people. Crammed, but if you're trying to save money on lodging, then this would do just fine.
There was also a small flatscreen tv.
I bought this mineral water, because the drawing is cute!
Nice set-up, tasty bread and yummy green tea latte.
Too bad I'm encountering problems downloading the pictures now.. so I guess this post is to be continued...
Skin Kissed by Korea Sun
Etude House facial scrub, moisturise from Tony Moly, Foot Peeling mask from Tony Moly, Black Head cream from Tony Moly, face powder from forgot what brand.
Shirt with blue piping, light blue stripes. WON5,000, from a store inside the subway, that's why it's so cheap.
Some scarves.
Chili paste, individually packed Spam for emergency meal situation, Sulhwasoo (expensive facial moisturiser)
Some clothes from Ehwa University stretch. Dress and tops from WON10,000 to WON20,000 (I think)
And afterwards, late afternoon till almost midnight shopping at Dongdaemun.
Shoes sold on sidewalks - WON10,000 each.
Sheer tops and linen blouse - WON10,000 to WON14,000
Pretty top for mom, WON38,000.
Etude house products are soooo much cheaper in Korea than in Singapore. You'd think this is a given, but you'd be surprised that Laneige is expensive in Korea (almost the same price as in Singapore), and Hong Kong sells it cheaper (Bonjour).
Not sure about Tony Moly, because I've never bought anything from Tony Moly Singapore branches, but I bought quite a lot from Tony Moly this time around. I was told the Floria facial wash is nice.
I like The Face Shop aqua tint BB cream (WON14,000) because it's super light, but it only comes in 1 shade, which is slightly dark for me, but nothing my face powder can't remedy. BB creams are generally in the WON14,000-WON20,000 range. The more expensive ones are those with snail mucus, which is currently the 'in' thing.
Strange, but I never saw a CC cream, and I know I've heard about it.
Dongdaemun (for clothes and accesories) or Myeongdong (for cosmetics and food) shopping. You can haggle the prices. Also, it's always cheaper when you pay in cash ('cashi').
Doota Mall (at Dongdaemun) is expensive. It's the first mall you see from one of the exits (forgot which one), so the tendency is for you to go in and immediately buy your stuff there (not unless you have the EQ to mall-hop before purchasing anything).
My friend bought a jacket in Doota Mall for over WON100,000, but at Hello AM Mall (which is just about 2 buildings away) the initial price given by the salesperson was WON79,000, and it was still negotiable because he was trying to call out to us while we walked away.
It's difficult to communicate in Seoul since only a small percentage of the population can speak in English. There's a lot of mainland chinese working there, especially in the cosmetic shops, so if you can speak mandarin, you're safe there.
Otherwise, it's important to know and memorise some important phrases.
Also, when shopping, always ask for 'Tax free', so that they can issue you with a receipt specifically for claiming the tax refund, which you can only do in the airport (so it's advisable to get to the airport a few hours before your flight out).
I think they issue you with the 'tax free' receipt if your purchase exceeds WON30,000 (or was it WON50,000)...
All in all, Seoul is a very nice experience. Expensive though. Not sure how to explain that, since as you see from my text above, each item is not expensive per se.
Featured in Chosun Newspaper - May 10,2012
Woo-hoo! My friends and I were featured in Chosun llbo (Korea Daily News) on May 10,2012. To view, go to chosun.com and search 'gwangjang market'. It's the first thing that will pop out - a drawing of some sort of map.
Why? How? Well, because we joined a night food tour with O'ngo Communications.
Saw some great reviews about it, and so decided to inject it into our itinerary. Saved us time too from thinking of where to eat, well at least for that one night.
Turned out to be one of the best item in our itinerary because it was quite an experience. Even without the press coverage (which only happened in the last 45 minutes of the tour).
Basically we paid WON80,000 for the night food tour (6-10pm). This excluded the beer and wine. To include those drinks, the fee would be WON88,000. At a glance, the tour price seems pricey, but I have to say it's well worth it.
We went to a barbeque place, chicken dish place, tofu kimchi place and finally the market where we ate savory pancakes. I liked the bbq place, chicken was just okay but quite memorable (reason to be posted on another entry), tofu + kimchi combo quite interesting, pancake dish I really liked!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Thick Lips
The shot that I had to drink because I lost the drinking game.Basically, the game starts with someone pouring a drink into the glass. Then, a smaller shot glass is placed inside. Each person then takes turn to pour the wine into the smaller shot glass. Whoever causes it to sink must drink the whole thing.
And that 'whoever' was me. Tsk. Me and my unsteady heavy right hand.
Before losing the game, I've already drank beer, soju, makgeolli.
Our 3rd stop during the night food tour was this restaurant which just offered 1 dish - chicken with glass noodles. Either non-spicy or spicy.
I thought my Singapore-trained tongue could handle the fire, and so I 'bravely' said I wanted the spicy one. Boy, was I wrong! It was overly spicy. Plus, it inflammed my already swollen lips some more.
As in the red (redness of the lips) went beyond my actual lips and spread to the side. I looked like joker!
Anyway, we were chatting with one of the tourguides and my friend asked him to guess which part of our faces have been touched by the doctor (because the previous topic was about plastic surgery). The tourguide looked at my first friend and said everything looks natural. Looked at my second friend and said her face also looked natural.
Then came my turn. He looked at me intently and asked 'did you have your lips botoxed?'
I said 'no! these are naturally full and the spices caused it to flare' (I couldn't remember what I said, but I'm pretty sure it was in this context).
Firstly, if above lips were indeed botoxed, the doctor who injected it should be beaten to a pulp. It's overly thick and uneven!
Second, these are my real lips. Full on usual days, weird-looking while we were in Korea. The top lip literally doubled in height and width! I thought it was due to dehydration, because I didn't drink much. But, I later on realised it's really windburn.
Oh. At the state my lips were in, it was difficult to smile as well.
Paris Baguette - Seoul
Just too bad that we didn't have enough time nor tummy space to eat it again after our first time.
That's green tea latte. Yum yum yum.
Paris Baguette is everywhere, so it's really quite easy to spot. The only difficult thing is deciding which bread to choose.